Injection Moulding

Injection-Moulding-Simulation Injection Moulding

What is Injection Moulding simulation:
  • With injection moulding analyses, you can validate and optimise plastic parts, injection moulds, resin selection, and the injection moulding process.
  • Plastic injection moulding simulation helps reduce manufacturing defects, improve product quality, and save cost and time.


Our mission:

  • We are committed to providing professional engineering services at affordable cost.
  • While staying in Australia, we provide engineering services worldwide using the power of the internet.
  • Over the internet, we are able to participate in your product development projects just as effectively as being in your office.
  • We quote jobs on a total cost basis up front, avoiding cost overruns.


What we need to run Injection Moulding simulation:

  • 2D or 3D CAD model and geometry.
  • Material property for each components.
  • The injection gate information including size, number and location.
  • Mould temperature and other working conditions.
  • Your main concerns and requirements from the analysis.


What you get on Injection Moulding projects:

  • A full professional injection moulding report which is self-explanatory and contains sufficient information for decision-making.
  • Problem description, physics and science, and computer modelling input.
  • Detailed analysis results including filling time, clamp force, warpage, temperature, etc.
  • Summary, conclusion, comments, and suggestions.



Fiber orientationSurface defect prediction Transient mold cooling or heating Rapid temperature cycling
Heating elements Thermoplastic injection moulding Thermoset materials Thermoplastic materials
Resin transfer mouldingVenting analysisRunner balancingEtc.

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